2025 Winter Conference Hotel Information

534 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

NYSCHSA is very pleased to be holding our Winter Conference in Saratoga Springs! 
A stay at Saratoga Hilton & City Center lends way to pampering, convenience to the best of Saratoga' s 
attractions, world-class restaurants, and renowned experiences only found in the heart of Saratoga. 

Single: $143.00 (plus tax)
Junior suite: $163.00 (plus tax)
Luxury suite: $263.00 (plus tax)


CLICK HERE for on-line reservations OR

Call the hotel at (888) 866-3596
Mention the conference dates: January 20 - 23

Mention the group name: New York State County Highway Superintendent Association

Reservation Due Date: Friday, December 20, 2025 So make your reservations ASAP!

WARNING: Please be vigilant if dealing with any companies or services other than NYSCHSA, Capitol Hill Management Services (CHMS) or the Saratoga Hilton Hotel that imply or claim an affiliation with the 2025 NYSCHSA Winter Conference. There are several scam organizations trying to sell discounted hotel rooms or conference attendee lists. These companies look authentic and may use the organization or conference logo. They are not affiliated or endorsed by NYSCHSA, CHMS or the Saratoga Hilton Hotel. Hotel reservations made through any other agency will be at your own risk. If you are contacted by a company attempting to sell hotel rooms or conference attendee lists, please notify us at [email protected].