LDSA Frequently Asked Questions
Making contacts with Counties during the LDSA submission period:
First, if you have questions on the LDSA RFQ, submission content or procedure, send those to NYSCHSA at [email protected]. Please do not ask individual County Staff.
Second, up until each region has established their regional list and/or short list, any consultant (or sub-consultant) planning to submit (or be a sub to a submitting consultant) an LDSA proposal shall not discuss anything relating to the LDSA with any State, County, City or Town employee or political representative. That doesn't mean you can't visit or otherwise contact State and town staff, County superintendents and staff or elected representatives and talk about anything else...just not in relation to the LDSA program.
What exactly do we submit to NYSCHSA?
- Send one flash drive copy to: NYS County Highway Superintendent Association, Attn: “LDSA Staff Representative” 230 Washington Ave Ext, Suite 101, Albany, NY 12203 also by 4:00pm local time on the date indicated in the advertisement
- Each EOI package shall include ten (10) flash drive copies in .pdf format along with one printed hard copy. This package shall be sent directly to the LDSA Regional Coordinators listed at the end of the RFQ for any region the consultant wishes to apply.
- The required 10 copies must be sent to each regional coordinator where the firms wish to be considered by 4:00pm local time on the date indicated in the advertisement.
Dividers and Bookmarking
Are there any restrictions regarding the use of color?
Are there any limitations to font size?
Are modifications to the forms allowed?
Can a cover letter can be included in the LDSA submittal?
Criteria Evaluation under item #3, Experience with LAFA Projects:
When evaluating experience with LAFA projects, it is important for evaluators to know what part(s) of the project you worked on...survey, environmental, design, construction etc. All work is scored so be specific.
A concern was brought up about the potential limits on who could be in the organizational chart in the 330 form:
On the 330 form, in Section D, it could be interpreted that respondents include an organizational chart that shows only the names of the 8 individuals that you are allowed to show resumes for as directed in Section E. In order for the evaluators to get a better picture of the firm's capabilities, the organizational chart can be expanded to include any services and individuals you wish to highlight. You are not limited to the ten individuals whose resumes are provided in section E.
Are CIN designations required of all subcontractors?
Do I need a CIN number for all my identified team members at the time of Submission?
The 330 form has limited space for project descriptions. Can we combine similar project work in one "box"?
Do we include branch offices?
In this age of instant communication and the internet, that project work can be split among offices. You should identify the main office that will handle project management chores and any branches that will potentially work on the project. Most likely you have team members identified that sit at other branch offices. Make sure that is clearly indicated in the EOI.
In Part 1, Section H of the SF 330 it allows respondents to attach additional information requested by the agency. What might local agencies be looking for in this section?
Through narrative discussion, show reason why the firm or joint venture submitting this questionnaire believes it is especially qualified to undertake the project. Information provided should include, but not be limited to, such data as: specialized equipment available for this work, any awards or recognition received by a firm or individuals for similar work, required security clearances, special approaches or concepts developed by the firm relevant to LDSA type projects, etc. Respondents may say anything they wish in support of their qualifications. When appropriate, respondents may supplement this proposal with graphic material and photographs which best demonstrate design capabilities of the team proposed for this project.
Is it required for the prime consultant to submit a Section F of the SF330 for each subconsultant, or is Section F optional for subconsultants?
Where should the CIN appear on the submission?
There is no formal location on the SF 330 for a CIN number. In fact, there is no requirement in the RFEOI that it be displayed anywhere, just that all offices of a selected firm have a CIN #. This is so certified by signing the SF 330 in Section I. Should firms want to include it, they can – suggestion would be somewhere in Section B.
I see that the MBE/WBE/SDVOB goal has increased from 30%-36% for NYS funded projects.